OiOiOi Meus Amores!!!
Tá tudo bem por ai? Tá tudo certinho?
Eu espero muito que sim, viu?
Sejam todos muito bem vindos ao Canal Receitas Da Cris!
Eu sou a Cris, e hoje vamos fazer mais uma receitinha maravilhosa
pra salvar o nosso dia a dia.
E vamos contar mais uma vez com a ajuda da Maggi pra dar ainda mais
sabor a nossa receita.
Vamos preparar um macarrão cremoso! Com Macarrão ,Calabresa & Maggi!
Hummmm, e se macarrão cremoso já é bom , então imagina com Maggi!
Vamos começar?! Bora anotar os ingredientes!


-200 gr de linguiça tipo calabresa
-1 “fio” de óleo
-500 ml de água temperatura ambiente
-1 sachê de creme de cebola Maggi
-1 litro e 1/2 (meio) de água fervendo
-250 gr de macarrão de sua preferência
-finalizar decorando com cheiro verde a gosto

E-mail para contato comercial:

Endereço para envio de correspondências/encomendas:

Receitas Da Cris
Caixa Postal 13502
CEP: 80.420-981
Curitiba – PR

Me sigam nas redes sociais:

Instagram: @receitasdacris

Músicas usadas:

#receitasdacris #macarrao #maggi #imaginacommaggi

Do Clay Pots Develop More Taste In Your Food?

Our ancestors use to cook their food either directly on fire or using pots made out of clay. With the advance in technology, we have developed much better appliances and in doing so we have also lost the food’s real taste and nutrients.

Reducing Food Waste

Food waste is definitely a rising concern, with the changing times we are living in and the desire for gardening rising… it is time to have a discussion about food waste. Today we’ll show you tricks that will not only save you money, but increase the nutrient content of your meals and keep waste from being a problem.

Old Fashioned Milk Trick

Did you know that there is such a thing as dehydrated milk powder? Well there is and it is a fantastic staple to have in the cupboard. Today we’ll cover the history of this product and its uses. Visit the authors at:

Fork and Beans

There’s nothing like the comforting decadence of a beautiful slice of pie. Store bought shells can be laden with lard and preservatives, come with excess packaging, are shallow and are, sadly, often stale-tasting. Making your own pre-baked pie shell is much more desirable but people often have trouble making the crust look flawless.

Using Every Little Bit of Your Leftovers

While it may seem silly to save such a small amount of leftovers, you can now see that it is a smart and ecologically sound habit. Doing this means you took something that was formally considered waste, and turned it into a whole new meal that is both tasty and nutritious. With an extended budget and less time spent shopping, creative food planning like this can unquestionably have a positive impact on both your waste output and your family budget.

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